The best web sites from individual barristers offering free (and useful) information

In the e-book with CPD “Changing Practice for Barristers” by Nick Holmes and me, I asked which two of the sites provided by individual barristers the people taking the course (themselves largely barristers) found most useful. Nearly 100 people have now taken this course. Here are the sites I asked them to look at, together (in light hearted mode) with the number of “Votes” received by each:

Neil Addison’s Harassment Law at 19 votes

Also from Neil Addison – Religion Law UK at 9 votes

Jamal Demachkie’s site at 11 votes

Daniel Barnett’s employment law site at 22 votes

Tim Kevan’s site on personal injury, sports, consumer and internet law at 25 votes

Gary Webber’s 14 votes

Francis Bennion site on law, professional ethics, human rights, sexual ethics, the Interpretation of Statutes and many other legal and political topics for over 40 years: 24 votes

Roger Horne’s Miscellany covering copyright issues, topics relating to House of Lords Judgments, and particularly the Civil Procedures Rules at 7 votes

Jonathan Mitchell on a variety of Scottish legal topics, at 6 votes

Laurie West-Knights’ site LawOnLine covering CPR and also the origin of BAILII, 11 votes

James Kessler, on trusts at 4 votes

Some of the comments received:

Francis Bennion’s site for a fine mixture of legal analysis and polemic… and… because he challenges my assumptions in the area of human rights and civil liberties.

Neil Addison as he offers two sites – one covers all aspects of harassment and the other religion and law today. The latter has a comprehensive set of links to religious bodies of different persuasions.

Daniel Barnet on employment law – the article section is great. I could find what I was looking for and it was very easy to navigate. The mailing list to keep me informed.

Tim Kevan’s site is really unique as it is visually stunning and very thorough. His blog and the TV and Radio sections as well as the screen shot photos made it particularly unique and interesting.

Gary Webber’s property law site: superb monthly updates, lists of mediators, details of forthcoming courses.

Jamal Demachkie covering UK housing law for landlords and tenants with update cases and changes in legislation.

Roger Horne – one of the very few barristers’ sites that is actually interesting and entertaining to read.

Laurie West-Knights – one of the first web sites by a barrister that I visited, and still one of the more interesting.

Jonathan Mitchell for useful resource on Scottish legal practice for occasional cases starting there.

James Kessler – depth of resources.