Unmet needs for legal services: 2014 LSB report

Legal software company Redbrick Solutions, who have created popular and successful legal management and accounting software for law firms, have made an infographic, based on information from the Legal Services Board report created by Professor Pascoe Pleasence and Dr. Nigel J. Balmer, looking at the gap in the legal market and how people’s legal needs, especially individual consumers are not being met.

Less than 1 in 10 people that require legal advice will seek expert guidance; out of this figure only 1 in 20 cases and disputes are settled within a court, tribunal or some other form of third party procedures.
Young people between 16-24 are the most likely to do nothing and seek no legal advice, this could be because they do not feel they will have a chance of success, feel that their age may go against them or often because they have a lack of knowledge in the area and if they are able to make any sort of claim.
The cost of legal advice is a massive put off for people and this could be why young people are the least likely to seek help or advice. 25% of people who received legal advice explained that they were initially put off by the costs involved especially when it comes to family and employment disputes.