Free webinars from barristers’ chambers

Included in A2 Legal resources and updates, U1 Keeping up to date. Dated .

Thanks to Nigel Parker of Crosse & Crosse Solicitors who has alerted us to several sources of free webinars from barristers’ chambers offering updates in their specialist fields:

1 Chancery Lane offer free weekly webinars. These cover a whole range of current topics. Each week the speakers answer any questions from users. These can be submitted when registering for the event, or simply asked during the webinar.

Littleton Chambers offer a range of free webinars and podcasts across practice areas.

Nine St John Street Chambers publish free webinars across their practice areas.

A number of chambers publish their webinars via YouTube channels:

2 Temple Gardens on a range of topics.

9 Gough Chambers on personal injury.

St. John’s Chambers on a range of topics.

No5 Barristers’ Chambers has several channels: Planning, Court of Protection, Crime, Business and property and Personal Injury.

3PB Barristers on a range of topics.

In many cases, You Tube offers a transcript of videos.  Click on the three dots below the video to the right of Save, then on “Open transcript” (if available) in the box that drops down.