Personal injury

Whiplash reforms a pain in the neck for victims

Two and a half years since they were introduced, changes to legislation relating to whiplash injuries appear to have benefited only the insurance companies and are failing the victims and all motorists, suggests Personal Injury experts Armstrong Luty Solicitors. From 31 May 2021 the Government introduced a fixed tariff award for compensation for this form […]

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Time limits in personal injury claims in Scotland

It is important to bear in mind the time limit for claiming compensation, whether you’re claiming for a road traffic accident, accident at work or any other type of accident. If the deadline is missed, you may lose the right to claim. The principle underpinning this is so that the rights of someone making a […]

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Will accidents rise after restrictions are lifted?

As we approach the end of the prime minister’s roadmap out of lockdown restrictions, is now the time to think about what the country might look like in terms of accidents after all restrictions have ended? It is likely that we will see significant reductions in the number of injuries reported in 2020 and into […]

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As lockdown ends, will work accidents increase?

As lockdown restrictions ease, we can start to see more people heading back to workplaces across the country. But with more workers in one place, is there going to be a rise in the number of accidents and injuries happening on the job? Riskiest industries Throughout the pandemic, it has largely been office workers who […]

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Whiplash reforms to come into force this month

The Civil Liabilities Act is scheduled for implementation at the end of this month (May). Known colloquially as the whiplash reforms, the Act has caused huge uproar in the legal sector. However, despite the protests, the government has pushed on with its decision and will be delivering its plan. The regulations were debated and approved […]

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Burns: is a rise in numbers likely?

As we get closer to summer but the Covid-19 pandemic prevents holidays abroad, we can expect to see more people heading to the UK beaches, national parks and other outdoor regions. And as we try to enjoy the summer, more people could make barbecues or use fire pits to stay warm into the evenings. However, […]

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Illness as injury: industrial disease

A personal injury doesn’t just refer to the visible physical wounds sustained in an unexpected accident. There are times when a personal injury covers an illness that could take decades to develop. These sorts of health problems are usually the result of exposure to a hazardous substance at work, making them industrial diseases. Although you […]

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Understanding the common types of birth injuries

The birth of a child should be an occasion for great joy and celebration. Mothers and babies in Ireland enjoy excellent antenatal and postnatal care, and in the vast majority of cases birth is a natural physiological event that doesn’t pose any problems. However, while modern medicine has made the process generally very safe, there […]

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The unexpected risks of exercise

Exercise: its benefits are rightly touted but there are certain associated risks that tend not to be mentioned by many. Aside from the usual injuries that can happen in any sport, such as pulled muscles, there are other – somewhat unexpected – ways you could be hurt while getting active. Lockdown activity levels During lockdown, […]

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The risk of manual handling injuries

Manual handling injuries are some of the most common you can suffer as an employee. Among the most frustrating aspects of these injuries is that although they can be some of the most painful, they can also frequently be prevented. Most likely to be injured The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work points […]

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